Monthly Archives: February 2015

Why Brand Storytelling is Important to Intel

Some years ago we worked with a client who was launching a new online streaming channel for independent films. The project was run by Tarka L’Herpiniere who wasn’t actually a techie or a film buff, but an explorer. His idea came from a frustration that he couldn’t get all the amazing film footage he’d taken on his expeditions aired on any existing film or TV channels, even though he had produced absolutely fascinating documentaries filmed in extraordinary places. More recently the call of adventure returned as he took on and succeeded at another extreme adventure; Tarka, alongside Ben Saunders, made the 1800 mile journey on foot and unaided, from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back, achieving the first completion of Captain Scott’s ill-fated Terra Nova route. Ben and Tarka’s frozen expedition, first attempted by Captain Scott … Continue reading

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